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Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear

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Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear Empty Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear

Post by loojam2nd Sun 13 Jan - 22:15

I went Ap xin zhao jungle in a 5 v 5 custom.

The Idea.
- Xin's w passive gives you every third hit an decent amount of hp back which scales off AP and the active buffs your attack speed.
- Xin's e scales off AP and is an aoe slow.
- Xin's q does scales of ad but its base dmg is still huge and does a knochback on the third hit. While activated every hit reduces
the cooldown of other skills by 1.
- Considering these 3 skills this build is wrapped around the hp gain from w increasing it's effect with ap and atkspeed.
- Early game u still are Xin "the Beast" zhao because of the Q base dmg.
- Late game u are nearly unkillable, can forever Tank turrets, duel even a jax and have some strong cc

The Build.
-u get machete and 5 pots
-as boots u decide mobility, mercs, cdrs, tabis, zerks dependent on what u prefer (i go boots 5 or mercs)
-upgrade machete to razor (for faster jungle clear)
-the core items in my build are malady and nashor's tooth (as u like ap for the increased heal and atkspeed for more 3rd hit heal procs)(and the cdr from maladay)

Now u have 2(3 u can sell razor late game) item slots left
Which Items are viable:

- Guinsoos Rageblade (Atkspeed, AD, AP and an below 50% gaining extra lifesteal, spellvamp and atkspeed passive)
- Rabadons tons of AP(Huge chunk of AP = Huge chunk of HP every third hit)
- Hextech Gunblade is ok but not the best (AP, AD, Spellvamp, Lifesteal - the slow active is more interesting to secure a 3rd hit for the knock up)
- Spirit Visage vs fed AP champ? (HP ok, Magic resist ok, CDR nice, Passive omfg i gain so much hp back its not even fair)
- Many other but these are relevant ...

Special tactics (what can u do with these troll build)

You can:
- shred enemy magic resist
- tank turrets for ever
- bait enemy and be at 100% hp in no time
- tank baron
- tank drake
- early game ganks like u would be a standard ad xin zhao
- Knoch up fast
- get cooldowns quicker
- and surprise enemy team

now this are my thoughts i wanted to share. You can try it, you can use it, you can (and should) give me feedback on this! ty

And sorry for the Wall of text.


Posts : 43
Reputation : 21
Join date : 2013-01-11

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Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear Empty Re: Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear

Post by Dj0z Mon 14 Jan - 0:20

I used it at some point in S2 but i wasn't very good at Xin in general so i stopped.

Then there was the famous "What would AP Xin Zhao do?" SiV HD video that was displayed during the S2 championship, but sadly, i still had to wait until today to see another AP Xin Zhao in a game where i played.

I'll try it again some day.

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Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear Empty Re: Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear

Post by Kiedisticelixer Sun 20 Jan - 15:28

Been there, don' dat.
Malady plus those heals OP. Important fact: You heal with AA's at structures, so you can tank a tower on your own like NP. Rabadon into Malady into Lich Bane. 9/21 and only Mpen marks, rest is armor/mrplvl and MS, at least thats how I build it.

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Join date : 2013-01-11
Age : 31

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Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear Empty Re: Ap Xin zhao! Eat my Magic Spear

Post by loojam2nd Sun 20 Jan - 15:39

i'd skip the magic pen marks and swap them with AS for the sake to get 3rd attack hp gain faster
never went in with Lich Bane unless team lacks dmg

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Join date : 2013-01-11

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