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What are your strange builds that actually worked?

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What are your strange builds that actually worked? Empty What are your strange builds that actually worked?

Post by Kiedisticelixer Fri 11 Jan - 16:56

Okay, here's the deal. You've probably played or seen some 'less usual stuff' like AD Carry Janna, AP Rammus or Support Ashe. Revive Teleport XYZ. Or an entire metabreaking team - How did it go? How did you out-play enemy summoners (if you actually did!).

Summoner's Spells:
Combo / Special Tactics:

Champion: Hybrid Tanky Diana
Build: Core: Guinsoo, Hextech Gunblade, Ice-born Gauntlet. I also built Tiamat because I wanted the active which combined with E+W does actually hit for a nice chunk of mixed damage and it's also nice with Diana's passive. I followed with Warmog's Armor and tried to get a late Nashor's Tooth as I was far ahead.
Summoner's Spells: Exhaust, Ghost
Combo / Special Tactics: So, the theory is to use Crescent Strike (Q) (which is a rather easy-to-hit skillshot) into the squishy target. Follow with Lunar Rush (R), shield yourself up which, in a team-fight will refresh inmediatly. You don't want to use E unless the target runs away early as it may work as an instant Teemo taunt with nearby enemies. You have slight innate tankiness so you can initiate I believe, though my first game had Malphite and the second one an Udyr, so in the 2nd one I had to do it. Ice-born or a Phage proc (if Trinity Force) will keep the target locked. Hextech Gunblade adds into burst+slow after a flash. Guinsoo's gives aswell some sustained damage when below certain HP, which is great when dueling as you also have Gunblade. Keep autoattacking. Change target or peel for the AD carry. Although I don't pick Nashor's Tooth on anything, the CDR and the AS is exactly what we want with this Diana. Spamming Q+R, procing slows and keep the AoE burst.

I'll try this again and got you a video.

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Join date : 2013-01-11
Age : 30

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What are your strange builds that actually worked? Empty Re: What are your strange builds that actually worked?

Post by Dj0z Fri 11 Jan - 17:16

Sounds nice. I had a tanky hybrid Diana build in S2 too, but it relied on stats that have been nerfed since, and the items changed in S3. Haven't tried to redo it in S3 yet, but now maybe i can just take your build :p ?

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What are your strange builds that actually worked? Empty Re: What are your strange builds that actually worked?

Post by Explomate Sun 27 Jan - 8:34

Champion: Naughtylus Very Happy
Summoner Spells: Flash+Smite
Position: Mid
0: Hunters Machete
1: Dorans Ring/Crystalline Flask
2: Merc Treads
3: Abyssal Scepter
4: Sheen
4: Iceborn Gaunlet
5: Liandys Torment
Sometimes Rod of Ages before Abyssal

Basically its Naughtylus mid. I once defeated the enemy Vladimir so hard that we won a 4vs5 (Brand DC at lvl 1 ,I had to hold his lane as jungle Naughtylus (throughout the entire game) and bought this items after Hunters Machete).

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Join date : 2013-01-17

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