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[Tactic] 5 man rush

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[Tactic] 5 man rush Empty [Tactic] 5 man rush

Post by Dj0z Sun 3 Mar - 20:02

The goal of this comp is to get an ultra-early inhibitor to seriously mess with the enemy organization, farm, and map control.

After a couple games practicing this tactic, we've come up with a fairly efficient setup for the start of this tactic. We have yet to actually win though, for reasons explained later.


The most efficient team comp we've used for this is the one below. The rationale behind it is:
Ruin the jungler's day with an invade on blue, use said blue to fuel our push efficiently, and grab and kill any enemies encountered in the process

-[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: he scales nicely with souls (on-hit damage, armor and AP) which makes him resilient to the lower XP gain from being 5 in one lane. He also has a grab/dash, and a shield to make the whole team resist poke better during the push. Last but not least, he is able to offer a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to his team. In that video you can also see a successful 5 man rush, but starting in lanes.
-[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: the original grabber of doom, still the best at sudden death grabs. Hard CC, trollbarrier, waveclear with R.
-[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: A third grab to make the threat pretty much permanent. This one is riskier because it also pulls him in, which did get him some potentially deadly (at low levels) tower hits to the face. CC king, a shield, some waveclear.
Pro Pushers:
-[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: His turrets are arguably the best pusher pets. Give him the stolen blue buff for that. Built-in regeneration aura for all allies, waveclear, stun/blind, peel at level 6.
-[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: Her range is the highest at that level,and her Q softens waves a fair bit. Her traps can net kills during the invade, provide sight upon placement AND sight of enemies who step on the trap, and you can line them up during the push next to a turret. That will offer free grabs if any enemy tries to defend and has to cross the line.
TBA (Taric, Graves, J4, Ez, Malz)

What to do?

We've followed a pretty simple yet precise routine that allowed us to get a nearly guaranteed good start:

1) First step is invading the enemy blue buff. Use the couple wards bought (explorer's ward helps too) to locate enemies and grab them into death.

2) Kill Blue Golem, remember to leave the blue to whoever uses it best in the push (in our case, Heimer, but we werent organized enough so Cait got it, which is not bad, but not best either). Optionally do Wolves before that for extra gold and souls. Kill the small lizards at blue too. Statistically, counting the wolves, that's already 3 souls for Thresh, which is 3 onhit dmg, armor, and AP (which equals a couple armor seals and stuff).

3) In both tries we were on purple side, so that led us naturally to grabbing and killing the top laner (+1 soul, +many assists) then taking first tower of the game easily.

4) Between first and 2nd towers, enemy champions may start to react. The jungler should be doing Red to catch up. If he isn't, grab and kill him. Note that he can smite Heimer turrets. The mid laner will be at most level 3, so he's not much of a threat either, and in our case would be coming from the entrance near the blue buff, which we warded during the invade anyways. grab and kill top laner, stack more souls. To get the most out of Heimer turrets, use them right after the Cannon minion got tower aggro. Any other minion will die in 3 hits, then tower will immediately aggro the Heimer Turret.

5) When the inner tower is dead, we usually had to recall to heal and shop. This is where we started failing, this part is crucial. We tried to all teleport to the same minion in top lane after shopping, however there is something unclear that happened and half of our teleports got cancelled, which changed everything (walking from base to base is looong). I suggest teleporting to all different minions of one same healthy (to avoid risks of others not being able to tele) wave.

6) in theory, at this point you should have shopped things like Emblem of Valor or some armor, Philo Stone, a Doran's, anything useful. Use them to push top lane inhib turret and inhib. Mid lane should be trying to kill you all by then. Avoid dying, you don't want to give him an "early" level 6. Around this point many enemies will be getting their ultimates and not you, so watch out for this. Also bot lane will most likely be pushing like no tomorrow, but you should be killing an inhibitor when they barely reach your base.

7) If you did manage to kill the inhib, go back sufficiently to not die to angry enemy champions, and Recall to protect your bot lane. From that point on you should try to pressure mid or bot lane and break a few turrets, or force them to 5v5 you while your top lane super minions break their nexus turrets and mess with minions coming to their other lanes.


Above all, everything flat, no scaling runes.
YELLOW: Armor yellows are a must on probably everyone. Other sources of armor will help too.
BLUE: CDR blues can help grabbers grab more often, but more importantly it helps heimer keep turrets up. He might even take the Quints too (total 11%) which will synergize with blue buff's 20%, and masteries.
RED: should be AD/AS/Mpen depending on who you are, because armor penetration doesn't work on turrets from what i've heard.
QUINTS: Other than what has already been said, consider HP regen, HP, AP, AD, or Gp10 if you're unlikely to get many lasthits or something.


The strongest masteries for this are the flat ones that help with pushing, and some special cases:
- +4 damage to minions/monsters on autoattacks
- 4% CDR
- +5% damage to turrets
- flat 4 AD
- flat 6 AP
- up to +6 HPregen
- flat 5 armor
- flat 5 MR
- flat 30 HP
- -5% damage from turrets (not a license to dive)
- ignore 2 damage from champions
- ignore 3 damage from champion autoattacks
- +1 armor & MR per enemy nearby
- -3% damage taken
- +3 mana regen
- +2% MS when out of combat (for the invade)
- +10 mana per level if you're Heimer
- Extended buff duration if you're Heimer/Cait
- 2 gp10
- 50 starting gold
- Biscuit
- Explorer ward
- 6% CDR
- 3% MS

Summoner spells

Everyone Teleport. The whole thing is just based on it.

If you find that you're running OOM during this strategy, consider packing a Clarity.
Similarly, a Heal will be no doubt useful.

CV can help figuring out where the enemy is at the start for the invade, or later on when they miss and come for you. It should not replace the wards in this tactic, but if you start with a Doran's it can be your contribution to sight.


Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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