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PushZahar Empty PushZahar

Post by Dj0z Fri 5 Apr - 17:10

- Early pushing towards a rushed win.
- 1v2 laning.

Build inspired by the fact that there are 3 items that build out of Philo, and of course they all give good sustain stats. On Malzahar, those stats happen to help him push early on, or survive harassment while still being able to farm thanks to voidlings and E.

Link to the build in LoL calculator, containing the same things as the sections below minus the explanations and strategies: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Summoner Spells

(Heal + Clarity) / (Clarity + Flash) / (Heal + Flash) / (Heal + Teleport)


(not sure yet) [Click to see full]
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(not sure yet)

Tanky + Dmg to turrets:
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More tanky:
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Bead + Rejuv + (3 mana pots) / ( 2 mana pots + 1 HP pot)

Recalled with > 340g:
Philo stone + Bead + Rejuv

Eleisa's Miracle + Philo + Bead + Rejuv

Eleisa's Miracle + Ohmwrecker + Philo + boots T1. [CORE]

Eleisa's Miracle (should be absorbed by now); Ohmwrecker + Philo + Mobility (boots 5)+ Banner of Command.

At this point you have the basis to push towers down easier than usual so try to do that.
Use Ohmwrecker to reduce the damage that diving allies take when they finish off defending enemies.
Use Banner to promote a siege minion in another lane (creating split-push pressure) or to tank for your own push.

Final core :
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Ohmwrecker + Shurelya's + Captain Mobility (boots 5) + Banner of Command.

Total bonus stats from the above 4 items (+absorbed Eleisa's) :

Armor: 30 = 30
HP : 600 = 350 + 250
HP regen : 45 = 10 + 15 + 10 + 10
Mana regen : 40 = 15 + 15 + 10
CDR : 20% = 10 + 10
AP : 90 = 50 + 40
Auras: Minions get +15% damage | Allies get +10 HP regen | Allied champions running towards you get +8% MS | Nearby minions get +25% MS
Actives: Disable Turret | AoE speeboost | Promote siege minion

Total stats with 4-items core + runes masteries and effects: [Click to see full]
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Last slots: Bulwark / Spirit Visage / Black Cleaver / Rylai's / Athene's / Zeke's.
-Hopefully, the tank or support of the team will be getting Aegis-Bulwark, but if he doesn't, that's the item you want.
-Spirit Visage increases your sustain and tankiness while automoatically capping CDR.
-Black Cleaver will help killing defenders by reducing their armor when voidlings hit them.
-Rylai's will help killing defenders with the 15% slow on your AoE spells. Can help disengaging by putting W behind you for a safe AoE slow.
-Athene's caps CDR while providing endless mana for game-ending pushes, but gives the least tankiness.
-Zeke's caps CDR and makes voidlings abit stronger. You get 250 HP on top of the champion AD & lifesteal aura.

Suggested pairs (they all cap CDR):
-Bulwark + Spirit Visage = tankiest.
- BC + Zeke's = strongest voidlings.
- Rylai's + Athene's = strongest spells.


- Solo lane // double top
- You could also go bot with an earlygame pushing/harass ADC like Cait, Trist or Ezreal, or with another strong pusher like Heimerdinger, or with Soraka as a mana-battery.

- No skillpoints in W before you get the feeling that you have too much mana (level >= 7).

- Don't use E on champions unless it will kill them. Afk-farm minions with it and your voidlings.

- The HP & mana regen stacking will let you spam voidlings with Q and E, and survive moderate harassment.

- Use Clarity preemptively whenever you will run out of mana.
- Use Heal to negate AoE damage dealt by the defenders like Lux or Cait, or to save allies. You can also heal allies with it when they don't risk death, if that can encourage them to stay and finish a tower more comfortably.
- When you get Eleisa's Miracle, in combination with the masteries it gives 32.5% SSCDR:
1) The cooldown on Clarity will be 122 seconds ( = 2 minutes) instead of 180s ( = 3 minutes), so you can use it in nearly every push.
2) The cooldown on Heal will be 182s ( = 3 minutes) instead of 270s ( = 4.5 minutes).

- If you respawn, immediately cast Q and W to get 2 stacks of passive (voidling), so you can summon one instantly when you reach enemies.

- Spam W under your feet during long travels to charge up voidlings without slowing down (it has no cast time).
- When approaching enemies, if your voidling is ready to be summoned, summon it one screen away from your destination. When you reach the enemies he will have evolved to his 2nd state (+50% armor and base AD).

- Do not dive turrets. Just be a nuisance from a safe distance, especially if the enemy has Blitcrank/Lee Sin/Thresh/Nautilus/Singed/Volibear/Janna
- Watch out for voidlings, red buff, and your W: they all redirect tower aggro on yourself if they hit any enemy champion in range of his tower.

- Every voidling summoned will automatically attract tower aggro on himself unless the tower already has a target or champion aggro is caused. Voidlings take at least 3 tower shots to die. That means your minion wave will live 3 tower shots longer (or more at higher levels, with Aegis, with Heal) for each voidling summoned.
- This is why spamming tanky ( = Aegis'ed) voidlings can be as efficient for pushing as giving voidlings high AD.


Strangely enough, it worked as a weird bot lane that started with no wards at all (Cait+ Malz). Garen & Mordekaiser managed to push their turret on their own quickly enough. Due to the pushed lanes and clever wards, we were able to take every Dragon. Combined with the turrets, that gave our team a huge gold advantage on the enemies, which were able to push down 1 turret in total by the time we razed their base.
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17 minutes win
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Double clarity + soraka (pretty much infinite mana) version
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Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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PushZahar Empty Re: PushZahar

Post by Dj0z Sat 6 Apr - 21:34

Update: 2 new screenshots

Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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