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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Dj0z Thu 17 Jan - 0:06

So we theorycraft this together, progressively completing this post until it becomes a good guide. That doesn't necessarily mean that it would be long. Few champions have access to potentially infinite stats for example.

List of champions with an infinite stat

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Q): Stacks +3 physical damage for every lasthit performed with Siphoning Strike.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (E): Gets 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 HP per kill, no matter what the victim was.
Enrage needs to be activated for this effect to happen, which costs 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 health per attack.
Note that Enrage's health bonus can be triggered by killing an enemy unit with any of Sion's damage sources, including autoattacks, champion abilities, summoner spells and item actives.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (passive): Gets AP & armor for each soul collected.
Souls drop from enemy champions and large minions. Small minions and monsters have around 20% chance to drop a soul.
Each soul increases AP and armor by (1 - 0.01*amount of souls already collected), with a minimum of +0.5AP|+0.5armor.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Q): Stacks +1 AP for every lasthit performed with Baleful Strike.
Also gets +1 / +2 / +3 / +4 / +5 AP per champion kill, no matter how said champion died. Assists don't count.

Optimizing stacking

With a composition like this, you want the game to last as long as possible, since infinite stats are only worth it when they start getting off the charts, which doesn't happen early obviously.

To optimize the chances of every champion getting his infinite stat consistently, there are a few things worth noticing:

-Only 1 "infinite champ" has a particular bonus for dealing the killing blow on enemy champions: Veigar.
For that reason, when a free champion kill is available, it should be given to him if that doesn't leave a chance of the enemy champion surviving.

-Thresh doesn't actually need to land any lasthit for his infinite stats. That means he could be put in the support role without harm to his stacking.

-3 of the infinite champs can stack their stat by last-hitting. To maximize that, they could be put in the 3 lanes, where lasthits are more available than in the jungle.
However, jungling is a safe option for those who risk getting zoned in a lane, which would ruin their stacking.



Summoner Spells

-Passively increases HP by a small amount (with the mastery), which can prevent some deaths.
-Can be used to avoid death or stay healthier in lane.

-Helps getting back to lane sooner, which means less stacking wasted.

-Incase of death, gives a decent move speed boost to get back to stacking sooner.


Because these champions are guaranteed to outscale the enemy the longer the game lasts, snowball items (Mejai's / Sword of the Occult) would be an unnecessary overkill. Unlike the infinite stats, these items can also lose stacks on death, which would be a shame.

Let's take a look at specific items showing with a good interaction with the infinite stats:

-[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]:
Unique: You gain attack damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum health.
Sion can get a ever-increasing amount of bonus AD from the item's passive.

-[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]:
Unique: +25% ability power
Both infinite APs can benefit from this by getting an extra 25% of any AP they stacked so far.

-Randuin's Omen:
Unique Active: Slows the movement speed of nearby enemy units by 35% for 2 seconds + 1 second for every 100 armor and magic resistance you have.
Scales with total armor and MR, which synergizes with Thresh's armor stacking for slow that gets slightly longer each time.

Last notes


Last edited by Dj0z on Thu 17 Jan - 21:48; edited 2 times in total

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by loojam2nd Thu 17 Jan - 0:33

Well if u go dat infinite scaling way u probably need 2 or 1 more late game champs,

so u have 5 late game beasts,

but the deal is,

u wont reach late game!(where they truly outshine anybody! Dog OP)

My Idea to reach late game is to put an early game Champ into the jungle.
At best 1 with serious dmg so he can carry to late.

- Lee Sin
- Xin Zhao
- Panthon (viable?)
- Syhvana
- Shaco
- Jarvan
- Noc
- Amumu?
- etc.(cant think of serious jungler with good early game dmg atm)

Last edited by loojam2nd on Thu 17 Jan - 1:34; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited more viable champions)

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by SirKibaTheIIIrd Thu 17 Jan - 1:32

So ummm we tested the team comp. Never got to late game, got stomped too hard early to recover. Sion jungle just isn't viable. Need a jungler with good ganking abilities + nice damage who can punish people for overextending.


1) Nice gank potential:
- Pantheon, Mundo, Maokai, Alistar, Xin Zhao, Rammus, Evelynn, Amumu, Lee, Shaco, Voli, Nautilus
2) Good damage:
- Darius, Renekton, Shyvana, Olaf, Fiora, Udyr, Riven, Jax, Jarvan IV

- Panth (good dmg nice cc, good ganking potential, very shitty clear speed, needs testing)
- Mundo (good dmg, impossible to get away from, not sure about his early ganks, testing required, might actually be good)
- Maokai (good ganking, weak early dmg, decent clear speed, needs blue)
- Alistar (good ganks thx to high cc and good gap closer, dmg not that good though, clear speed not that good, needs testing)
- Rammus (good mobility, nice cc, very hard to kill, forces opponents to focus him)
- Amumu (good cc, not much early dmg, decent clear speed, really needs blue to work)
- Voli (good to initiate, nice mobility, can toss opponents behind, good clear speed)
- Nautilus (Insane cc, Nice ganking potential, Shitty clear speed, not much dmg)
- Darius (not too much to catch up to opponents except his E, but really insane dmg and nice slow, dunno about clear speed)
- Renekton ( nice cc and gap closer, op early dmg by default, decent clear speed, not sure if viable, can snowball pretty well if fed)
- Shyvana (Insane dmg, decent gap closer, good clear speed, can gank easy if opponents overextend a lot otherwise bad ganks)
- Olaf (good slow, almost impossible to get away from him, good dmg, decent clear speed)
- Fiora (Insane dmg, no cc (exhaust required), only gap closer is q, good clear speed, can punish people for overextending though)
- Udyr (good cc, decent ganks, might get kited, good clear speed)
- Jax (nice gap closer, nice dmg, decent clear speed, might be more oriented towards late game, needs testing)
- Jarvan IV (good dmg, good gap closer, dunno about clear speed, needs testing)
But we need a bit of both.... : (1 and 2)
What I think is best: Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, Shaco, Evelynn, Udyr (tempted to add Amumu + Mundo)


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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Dj0z Thu 17 Jan - 3:35

Just going to point out that the test talked about above ^ was done before the to-be-guide was out.

Thanks for the insight guys, this will surely help making this comp happen if it has even any viability at all Razz .

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Explomate Mon 21 Jan - 13:57

SirKibaTheIIIrd wrote:
- Nautilus (Insane cc, Nice ganking potential, Shitty clear speed, not much dmg)

Nautilus can do a lot of damage if you build him right with Abyssal Scepter and Iceborn Gauntlet. His clear time is also nice if you max his W first.
But maybe im not neutral enough to say anything about that because i like him so much.

Oh right, by the way lets do a thread about our favourite champs! (If there is not already one) Like the "Pro Player Pick" Vids.

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Dj0z Fri 1 Feb - 1:05

Wo0ot. Riot is helping this team comp!
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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Dj0z Sat 2 Feb - 12:00

Well even with the most recent patch's bonus to stacking from large minions, this comp looks pretty hard. It gets better towards endgame, sure, but we gotta find fixes for:
-Bot lane, there is no ADC with infinite stacking, and a sion+thresh lane for example, has trouble csing against cait or whatever.
-Who's the most suited for jungling?
-What items should be rushed to be able to lasthit properly & defend turrets, especially bot?

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by loojam2nd Sat 2 Feb - 14:25

Add Warmogs
It somehow scales with HP.

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Dj0z Sat 2 Feb - 15:01

^That's what i was thinking too, for the survivability part

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by szymekc Wed 6 Feb - 14:09

Sion is getting a rework soon btw. Nobody knows if he will be stackable after that.


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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Dj0z Wed 6 Feb - 15:56

I'd be disappointed if he isn't, that would remove his most unique feature.

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[Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty Re: [Comp] Infinite stats -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Klohj Tue 9 Apr - 19:45

With recent Nasus buffs and the rise of jungle Nasus, we really could make this comp work.

Jungle: Nasus
Mid: Veigar
Top: Sion (AD/tank)
Support: Thresh
ADC: Tristana


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