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[Comp] Reverse Frontline -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

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[Comp] Reverse Frontline -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =- Empty [Comp] Reverse Frontline -= Work in Progress, come give your ideas! =-

Post by Dj0z Fri 18 Jan - 5:13

-Community Theorycrafting!-


This comp will try to switch the roles between squishy ranged damage dealers and tanky melee crowd-controllers to obtain something like this:
Class 1 = Squishy melee assassins or carries
Class 2 = Tanky ranged crowd-controllers or supports (a.k.a. "CC bots")

To reach this glorious goal Razz , the following things may help us.


For Class 1:

-Ravenous Hydra: Splash damage and lifesteal. AoE damage does not crit.
-Sword of the Divine: 3 crits in a row.
-Youmuu's Ghostblade: Short murderous frenzy.
-Deathfire Grasp: Assassination burst.
-Mercurial Scimitar: Anti-CC.
-GA: A chance to flash out after failed assassinations?

For Class 2:

-Iceborn Gauntlet: AoE slow proc.
-Runaan's Hurricane: Spread whatever your auto-attacks apply, to up to 3 targets.
-Frozen Mallet: Guaranteed ranged permaslow.
-Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Guaranteed spell permaslow.
-Warmog's armor: Makes anyone tanky.
-GA: (same as above).
-Black Cleaver: Shred the armor to make the job of melees easier?
-Malady: (same as above)?
-Blade of the Ruined King: Softens tanks + synergy Runaan?


For Class 1:

-Crit mastery is slightly stronger.
-Defensive masteries can soak up early harass.

For Class 2:

-Defensive masteries for tankiness.
-Utility masteries for Gp10.
-Heal mastery slightly increases HP per level.

Summoner spells

For Class 1:
-Flash: for chasing/escaping.
-Ghost: for getting in range or escaping.
-Exhaust: keeping enemies within range.
-Ignite: making sure to get the kills.
-Cleanse: not letting CC ruin your day.
-Revive: after a kamikaze multi-kill, could win the game.

For Class 2:
-Flash: for chasing/escaping.
-Ghost: for applying permaslows easier especially on fast targets.
-Exhaust: protecting the sqhishy melees from chasers or ranged ADCs.
-Heal: because they have a supportive role, and for the bonus HP per level.
-Clairvoyance: if the melees are squishy damage dealers and the rangeds aren't too tanky yet, avoids facechecks.

Champions with potential for this comp

Class 1:
Akali: passive, All spells.
Alistar: R.
Diana: passive, All spells.
Evelynn: All spells.
Fiora: All spells. -Melee ADC-
Fizz: All spells.
Gangplank: Q, W, E. -Semi ranged ADC-
Garen: Q, E, R.
Irelia: passive, All spells.
Jax: passive, All spells.
Katarina: passive, All spells. -Overpowered-
Kassadin: All spells. -AP Carry-
Kha'Zix: All spells.
Malphite: W (only melee splash that can crit), R. *Synergy SotD.
Master Yi: All spells. *Synergy SotD. -Melee ADC-
Mordekaiser: All spells. -AP Carry-
Nasus: passive, Q, R.
Nautilus: passive All spells (if AP).
Nocturne: passive, All spells.
Olaf: passive, All spells.
Pantheon: passive, Q, W, E.
Poppy: passive, All spells.
Rengar: passive, Q, R.
Riven: passive, All spells.
Shaco: passive, All spells.
Talon: passive, All spells.
Tryndamere: passive, All spells. -Melee ADC-
Volibear: E, R.
Zed: passive, All spells.

Class 2:
Anivia: passive, Q, W, R. *Synergy Rylai.
Annie: passive, E. *Synergy Rylai.
Ashe: All spells. *Synergy Runaan.
Caitlyn: W, E.
Cassiopeia: passive, W, R. Synergy Rylai.
Galio: All spells.
Graves: passive, W. *Synergy Runaan.
Heimerdinger: passive, Q, E, R.
Janna: passive, All spells.
Karma: passive, All spells.
Kayle: passive, Q, W, R. *Synergy BC Malady Rylai.
Kennen: passive, W, E, R. *Synergy Runaan.
Kog'Maw: W, E, R. *Synergy Runaan.
Lulu: All spells.
Lux: Q, W, E. *Synergy Runaan's.
Malzahar: Q, R. *Synergy Rylai.
Miss Fortune: W (free Grievous Wounds), E. *Synergy Runaan BC Malady Rylai.
Morgana: Q, shield, R.
Nami: passive, All spells.
Orianna: Q, E, R.
Soraka: passive, W, E, R. *Synergy Rylai.
Teemo: Q, R. *Synergy Runaan.
Thresh: passive, All spells.
Tristana: passive, W, R.
Twitch: W, R. *Synergy Mallet.
Varus: E, R. *Synergy Runaan.
Xerath: passive, E(+W or R).
Ziggs: W, E. *Synergy Rylai.

[To be completed]

Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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