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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Thu 24 Jan - 23:23

This one is quite simple: maximizing the amount of steroids of all kinds that you share in one way or another with your teammates.

Advantages: mainly superior stats in teamfights.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] focused only on magical damage.

Champions by steroid type

List for copy-paste: Fiddle GP Heimer Janna J4 Mao Nunu Sion Sona Soraka Sivir Taric WW Zil

Janna (passive, E)
Jarvan (flag)
Nunu (W)
Sona (Q, W, E)
Soraka (passive, Q)
Sivir (R)
Taric (W, R)
Zilean (passive, E)

Fiddlesticks (passive)
Gangplank (E)
Warwick (W)

Heimerdinger (passive)
Maokai (R)
Sion (R)


Mana Manipulator (condemned in S4)
Zeke's Herald
Will of the Ancients (condemned in S4)
(Shard of True Ice)
(Banner of Command)
(Captain boots)

Abyssal Scepter


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Aegis of the Legion/Bulwark


Start normally, with a jungler, mid solotop and duo bot. Play safely until level 6 to make sure the enemy doesn't snowball any lane out of control.
Each champion should maximize his steroid ability first, unless he really needs to rank up another ability to lane properly.
Everyone should rush his steroid item (auras, Reverie etc) as fast as decently possible.

When enough steroids are up, everyone should gather in the mid lane and start pushing down turrets 1 by 1. If the turret is causing trouble (e.g: team does not include Taric), take dragon first.
Force fights and stay tightly packed together so that every member keeps benefitting from the stats others give him. The resulting team is stronger than the sum of its parts.

EARLY OR LATE? : Start of midgame, as defined by "at least 1 turret gone".
DIVE OR PEEL? : Definitely peel. No questions.
BARO OR TURRET? : Depends on the turret and whether or not you have sufficient sight/antisight.
PRESS OR REST? : If you lost one or more key steroid givers, take no risks and go heal. If everyone's in a bad shape but nobody died, you're probably still stronger than the enemy team. Avoid duels.

We haven't played that comp much yet:

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Stampede version

This specific version is about suddenly charging at the enemy with superior speed on your whole team, and trampling everything in your way like a stampede.

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List for copy-paste: Galio, Gangplank, Jayce, Karma, Nami, Sivir, Sona, Warwick, Taric

Galio: E
Gangplank: E, R
Jayce: E, R
Karma: E2 (R+E)
Nami: Passive, E, R
Sivir: Passive, R
Sona: E, R
Warwick: W, E

Taric: W, R, armor helps for towerdiving.


Shurelya's Reverie (possibly 2 or more) (name changing in s4)
Shard of True Ice (changing in s4)


Catch enemies out of position every chance you get, with your speedboosts.
Use long tower-less areas for chases.
Fight during the steroids, and back off when they end.

Last edited by Dj0z on Wed 13 Nov - 22:51; edited 24 times in total

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Join date : 2013-01-11


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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Explomate Sat 26 Jan - 19:48

(Just notes and ideas for your thread)

Edit: Sorry forgot to read the spoiler before writing...

I had this idea too.
A team could look like this:

Bot: Taric (huge armor buff (30 armor) + ad and ap buff on his ult + heal)/Sona/Soraka (mr passive buff + huge heals) + Sivir (as and ms buff on ult)

Mid: Sona (great buffs on all abilities + heal)

Top: (Gangplank)/Jarvan (His flag with as and armor)

Jungle: Maokai (his ult decreases 20% damage taken for the whole team!)/Jarvan/(Alistar?)

The advantages are obvious but the disadvantages would be that every champ in this team relies on teamfights to show his full potential and has to avoid 1vs1 fights... except Jarvan and Gangplank of course Very Happy

Items: Generally all buff/support items: Will of the Ancients, Abyssal Scepter, Aegis of the Legion/Bulwark, Zekes Herald, (Frozen Heart, Locket of the Iron Solari, Shurelyas Reverie, Shard of true Ice, Mikaels Crucible) and perhaps captain boots upgrade

This is less of a metabreak but we are so abnormally nonconformist that we even break metabreaking and dont give a

Greetings: Explo

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Join date : 2013-01-17

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Sat 26 Jan - 21:38


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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Fri 8 Feb - 15:16

Well this comp worked, they surrendered at 20 or something, however i don't have a screenshot and the score was only 16-10, only 1 teamfight happened. Inconclusive.
Comp was WW Taric Sivir Nunu Soraka, a nice mix of AS/MS and resist steroids.

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by loojam2nd Sat 9 Feb - 11:36

my 2 cents in here split push counters teamfights

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Sun 10 Feb - 9:32

True, and in that case the non-splitpushing team better make sure to push hard enough to make up for that.

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by 123123 Sun 10 Feb - 9:52

what about nami? :3 ms buff on 2 abilities and oh that E Very Happy

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Sat 23 Feb - 15:45

If the new Taric aura hits live, this comp will get to a whole new level of awesome!

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Fri 1 Mar - 19:52

Update: Taric's new aura is here. Added Screenshots.

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Sun 10 Mar - 5:12

Update: a new screenshot.

Also, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

Post by Dj0z Fri 10 May - 15:51

Added "Stampede" variation

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Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation Empty Re: Team steroids aka Buff team + Stampede variation

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