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Comp: AP heavy team

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Comp: AP heavy team Empty Comp: AP heavy team

Post by angrepskongen Wed 27 Mar - 1:01

Making use of how strong AP items are when you have several AP champs on the same team (DFG, wota, abyssal)

(Champs that have high amounts of magic damage, mr reduce, or scale well of enemy`s dying)
exsamples of that is
Vlad (Increas damage dealt by 12%)
AP Yi (reset)
Morde (ulti clone)
Malz (high damage, some of it in %)
Karthus (% mr reduce)
Morgana (mr reduce)
Ryze (Mr reduce)
Kayle (% mr reduce)
Xerath (% magic pen)
Anivia (CC, strong in lane and high damage)

Tips for Junglers:

Everyone, or at least 4 on the team should build Deathfire Grasp, you also get alot from Wota and Abyssal.
Void staff, sorcerer`s shoes and Lindary`s Torment will also be needed.
Tips for champs that want to be tanky: All magic damage will hitt hard when you have so many DFG`s. Including sunfire cape.

Run a hard CC AP carry (anivia/xerath/malz/brand.....) with a suport like soraka, taric, leona or other agressive CC suports. Soraka will make it a pokelane, other suports like taric or leona makes it a kill lane.
Tips: having a lane like this makes it realy easy to gank, even a tower dive can go fast and easy with so much burst and cc.

You should try to force fights midgame when you have several DFG`s, Wota and abyssal. The DFG`s can eather be focused on one camp to take sombody out. Here the goal can be to kill an important/fed tanky champ. Or to help Yi/morde/kata deal more damage by giving them reset/clone.
The other option is to hitt as many diferent targets as possible, so anyone taking damage take 20% more damage. Vlad can make that 20% become 34,4% if he ulti.

AP carrys have always been good at bursting, and they have alot of CC, 4 ap champs will be able to take down entire tems if the damage they deal is increased by 34,4%, and the DFG`s have already hitt for 15% of the targets maximum hp.

You should have a comp that include 2 tanky champs. But you can go without it, but then you have to make sure you have a team that is good at catching champs or teams of guard. Then you can get 4vs5`s, or easy sett up for your combo witch mean you should win teamfights

Teams will stack MR. Karthus or kayle are realy good at reducing alot of MR as they reduce %. An difrent way of killing MR stacking teams is having xerath. Xerath is already a superstrong burster that can hitt hard lategame, let him hitt for 32% more, and he will for sure destory the enemy team.

Last edited by angrepskongen on Wed 27 Mar - 12:09; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2013-02-10

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Comp: AP heavy team Empty Re: Comp: AP heavy team

Post by Dj0z Wed 27 Mar - 1:35

Reminds me alot of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Smile

Yours is way more specific about bursting down enemies and actually mentions strategic plans.
Maybe we should merge the thread or maybe not, what do you think guys?

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Comp: AP heavy team Empty Re: Comp: AP heavy team

Post by angrepskongen Wed 27 Mar - 11:46

Dj0z wrote:Reminds me alot of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Smile

Yours is way more specific about bursting down enemies and actually mentions strategic plans.
Maybe we should merge the thread or maybe not, what do you think guys?

The main reason for this comp is DFG, witch isnt mentiond in the other post. DFG`s damage increas is ballanced around that it will be 1 or 2 magic damage champ(top + mid), and maby 1 hybrid damage dealer (kog/soraka/other bot or jungle champs that deal alot of magic damage). This makes 20% increased damage ballanced. (DFG is already realy strong in some teamfight-burst comps) However if you have 5 magic damage champs, its not ballanced but broken. You already have wota and abyssal that is realy strong on AP heavy teams. AP kill lanes have been used in profesional games to. A korean team used Brand Annie botlane, and won against one of the CJ teams (cant remember witch one)


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Comp: AP heavy team Empty Re: Comp: AP heavy team

Post by Dj0z Wed 27 Mar - 11:58

Yep yours is way more focused on effective damage-dealing combos and such, while mine is more about general benefits. Both have their merits.
Also I'd love a link to match!

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Comp: AP heavy team Empty Re: Comp: AP heavy team

Post by Dj0z Sat 6 Apr - 21:47

Link to a LoL Calculator of this comp, including with champs, items and many useful details: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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