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[Comp] Heavy Armor

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[Comp] Heavy Armor Empty [Comp] Heavy Armor

Post by Dj0z Fri 12 Apr - 15:13


This comp is about negating as much physical damage as possible, which can:
-Make the enemy ADC useless
-Make AD mids useless
-Force smart enemies to rush a LW instead of better DPS items
-Allow happy towerdives!


The core champion of this build is the only one able to provide a scaling armor aura. The fabulous:
Taric! with [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]!
He goes top lane vs physical damage dealers, or mid if the AD caster is mid. If the enemy has double AP, it's bad news Razz
Note that any armor bonus given to taric will indirectly buff teammates near him too (by 12% of the value of the bonus).

Other champions are already resistant, and should quickly become near-immune to physical damage in this comp:

List for copy-paste:
Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Elise, Fizz, Galio, Garen, Graves, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Leona, Malphite, Maokai, Mordekaiser, Orianna*, Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus, Rengar, Shyvana, Singed, Sion, Sona, Soraka*, Thresh, Trundle*, Wukong, Xerath, Yorick.

Alistar [Supp/Mid] has huge damage reduction on his ult, and an AoE heal.
Amumu [Jung] E passive reduces damage from autoattacks.
Annie [Mid/Supp] has a Thornmail-like shield giving bonus armor + MR.
Elise [Top/Jung/Mid/Supp] in spider form has 10-25 free resists.
Fizz [Mid/Anti-ADC] passive reduces damage from autoattacks and scales with level.
Galio [Mid/Supp] has Bulwark's huge resists and healing.
Garen [Top/Kill-lane] W gives a passive +20% of bonus resists, and active gives huge damage reduction.
Graves [ADC] passive gives him up to 30 free Armor + MR when fighting.
Jarvan IV [Jungle/Top] has a passive armor + MR boost.
Jayce [Top/ADC] in hammer form has 5-35 free resists.
Leona [Supp/Top/Jung] has huge free resists on her shining thing.
Malphite [Top/Jung/Mid] has an armor steroid on W, and armor scaling.
Maokai [Jung] has a low cooldown AoE 20% damage reduction on R.
Mordekaiser [Top/Mid] gets free resists on his buff.
*Orianna [Mid/Supp] does have resists + a shield on her E, but starts with very low armor (11).
Pantheon [Top/Jung/Kill-lane] passive blocks 1 autoattack that would deal more than 40 physical damage to him (including turret hits) every 4 attacks/spellcasts.
Poppy [Top/?] gets up to 35 bonus armor from her W, and damage reduction from her passive, and her R.
Rammus [Top/Jung/Kill-lane] has huge starting armor (25), and a massive bonus on W.
Rengar [Top/Mid/Jung/Kill-lane] has bonus resists on W.
Shyvana [Jung] gets bonus resists on her R and in Dragon form.
Singed [Top] gets bonus resists during R (25s).
Sion [Top/Mid/Jung] has a 40% chance to take reduced damage from autoattacks because of his passive.
Sona [Supp/Mid] has an armor + MR aura.
*Soraka [Supp/Mid] can give a massive armor bonus with her W heal, but starts with very low armor (11).
Thresh [Supp/Top/Jung/Mid] has potentially infinite armor from passive.
*Trundle [Top/Jung/Kill-lane] can steal (40% for PBE version) of enemy armor with R.
Wukong [Top/Kill-lane] gets 4/6/8 resists for each nearby enemy champion from his passive.
Xerath [Mid/Supp] gets armor from his AP.
Yorick [Top/Jung/2v1] has 5% damage reduction per active ghoul.


Heal x1 (or x2 for long pushes), most likely on Taric.
Barrier recommended for ADC.


Aegis -> Bulwark: Should be rushed by jungler or support, so Taric can focus on stacking more armor (Aegis/Bulwark don't give a whole lot of it).
Locket of the Iron Solari: Overused but perfectly fitting for this comp.
Seeker's Armguard: Cheap and effective early armor + AP.
Frozen Heart: This should be on Taric, 95 armor in a single slot! and mana for his passive. Plus that aura.
Randuin's Omen: HP, Armor, and a slow that will Massively scale because of your resists.

Zeke's Herald: Resistances make sustain worth much more.
WotA: Resistances make sustain worth much more.
Shurelya's Reverie: Make your team a bulldozer.

Guardian Angel: Make it even harder for enemies to kill your ADC or APC.


Do not die!

Roll over the enemy team, turrets shouldnt be able to stop you. You can turret dive very easily with that much armor and at least 1 healer (Taric Q).
Focus the AP carry if there's one (else it's probably a free win).


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Last edited by Dj0z on Sun 14 Apr - 17:49; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 180
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Join date : 2013-01-11


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[Comp] Heavy Armor Empty Re: [Comp] Heavy Armor

Post by Dj0z Sat 13 Apr - 1:03

Champion list is now complete.

Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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