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[Comp] Tower Party Comp

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[Comp] Tower Party Comp Empty [Comp] Tower Party Comp

Post by Explomate Fri 18 Jan - 18:26

Hi! A few hours ago we had this idea of a comp that ignores towers like no other, for supreme *****slaping sensations!

The comp could look look this:

Bot: Pantheon and Taric (armor buff for the whole team late game and a heal makes tower party more enjoyable and pantheon with his shield will ignore the tower completly, especially when he gets an ohmwrecker. With this item he can charge up a shield on lane, go tower dive, use his jump, then use ohmwrecker and get 5 attacks or casts to get his 3rd shield in a row. Also this bot lane combo can easily burst any glass-canon adc or squishy support.)

Mid: Kayle (for: her ult, also she has a heal with speed buff) or Zilean

Top: Poppy (for: her ult that lasts very long and she also has a speed boost for hollywood-like-action scenes) or Tryndamere (for: his ult. and he is also really badass late game) Jax

Jungle: Lee Sin (he can jump in and out really fast and can kick an enemy towards his team away from his tower) Alistar (his ult makes him so tanky that he can take like 10 tower hits and just lost half life) Mundo (ult and general tankieness) Jax (can block some tower hits)

Items: 1-2 Ohmwrecker should be bought.
Masteries: Who can afford it should be using safeguard from the defensive mastery tree (5% less damage from turrets)

Also this comp is very hard to kill due to its stronk block/heal mechanisms

Let the tower party begin!

Posts : 27
Reputation : 18
Join date : 2013-01-17

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[Comp] Tower Party Comp Empty Re: [Comp] Tower Party Comp

Post by Klohj Fri 18 Jan - 18:35

That would actually be hilarious to play! Enemy penta ragequit! Laughing I'm up for it Smile


Posts : 21
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Join date : 2013-01-11
Age : 28
Location : Northern Ireland

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[Comp] Tower Party Comp Empty Re: [Comp] Tower Party Comp

Post by maretan Wed 27 Mar - 12:32

dont forgot to add alistar with his ult


Posts : 5
Reputation : 3
Join date : 2013-03-26

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[Comp] Tower Party Comp Empty Re: [Comp] Tower Party Comp

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