League of Legends Metabreak
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[Comp] ~~Water~~

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[Comp] ~~Water~~ Empty [Comp] ~~Water~~

Post by Dj0z Sun 20 Jan - 15:49

This one is pretty easy. At first i thought there were only 3 water champs, but someone pointed out the last 2 members yesterday!

Fizz the fish - mid/jung/top suggested
Nautilus the scuba diver - jung/top/mid suggested
Nami the mermaid - supp/mid suggested
Gangplank the pirate - top/jung/adc suggested
Miss Fortune the pirate hunter - adc/mid suggested

Because water is OP!
Noticed how they all have CC and AoE ults? See how hard it is on Nami and Naut?
All their abilities just chain together perfectly, creating a flow of unstoppable win.
Noticed how they either have an epic heavy metal suit, perfectly smooth skin or just a badass outfit and hat?
Fizz has Poseidon's trident, how can you possibly lose with that?
Oh right, you can't!

"We are all tied to the ocean" ~Nami ><>
"Enjoy your visit to the depths of the sea, landlubber!" ~Gangplank pirat

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Join date : 2013-01-11


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