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[Combo] Death Star Overkill

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[Combo] Death Star Overkill Empty [Combo] Death Star Overkill

Post by Dj0z Sun 14 Apr - 19:17


Here at metabreak we know how important it is to learn from mistakes, so let's do just that!

This is based on the following synergies between Karthus, Soraka, and Yorick, discovered while we were running the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and started to lose fights midgame for a reason we would precisely understand only later:

-When Karthus dies with Yorick's ult on, Yorick's ult takes effect first, then Karthus does his immobilized-death-thing, then he actually dies. Up to 17 seconds of post-death action!

-Soraka and Karthus both deal medium-range low-cooldown AoE magical damage, that overlaps easily on enemies in teamfights, for a huge total amount DPS. This is because Karthus' DPS is already high, Soraka's Q (Starcall) can reduce MR massively, and Karthus's W reduces it aswell.

-Karthus wants to die, Yorick is heavily sustained, Soraka is a strong healer. The result is one guy (Karthus) happily diving into the teamfight, and the other two are somewhat hard to kill so you don't want to focus them anyways.


To build a comp around this could be interesting but that's not the topic of this thread (yet?).


Ghost recommended for Karthus to dive the enemy team as deep as possible?
Revive on Yorick incase he got bursted before he could ult Karthus?


Guardian Angel: This should be very annoying to enemies.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Essential on Soraka.
Abyssal Scepter: Could be useful on Soraka but sounds abit... overkill Razz .


Typical Karthus teamfighting (all-in one go with willing death) followed by the horror scene when he runs around in his 2nd life and Soraka debuffs enemy MR to hell, before Karthus dies and gets to dish out some more pain before ulting at the end of his 3rd life. Meanwhile Yorick slows (W) people so Soraka can Rylai-starcall (Q) them and silence them into their graves, and dismembers whoever tries to fight instead of trying to run away.


The original game where we found out our Heavy Armor comp got hard-countered:
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Join date : 2013-01-11


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