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[Combo] Melee Carry bot - All viable combos - W.I.P.

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[Combo] Melee Carry bot - All viable combos - W.I.P. Empty [Combo] Melee Carry bot - All viable combos - W.I.P.

Post by Dj0z Wed 22 May - 18:50

Bit of context: this is meant to describe duos that you can send bot lane against a meta bot lane ( = ranged ADC + supp), and wreck it. So you pick one support from the list, depending on who your melee ADC is.

General support strengths (about melee carries) :

Her ult works best on a melee, and she controls fights very nicely with slows, bushcheck etc. Also, shield from which she can slow, very good for assisting melee carry trades. Probably the best melee carry support.

Bouncing water (W) always bounces more when used on a melee carry. Also, double AoE stun and long E slow that adds to autoattack burst.

One of the stongest slows/speedboosts in the game, and a GA ult, enable the risky melee carry playstyle. Also, nice deceptive harass that can bait shields.

His armor aura, targeted stun, burst and healing can help with surviving the harass and taking down the enemy.

Black Shield's effect is priceless for melee carries, and the snare can keep the enemy ADC in range.


Enchanted Duelist

Melee ADC:

Masteries 15-15-0: reduced damage from autoattack harass & damage from champs, bit of tankiness.
Runes: Marks 9 AD - Seals 9 armor - Quints 2 MS 1 armor - Glyphs 9 MR.
Skill order: W -> Q -> E, then max whatever you need. E if snowballing, Q for easier csing, W against heavy AA harass (like Cait or Ez).
Starting items: Flask + 3 pots.
Goals: Tabi/Swiftness + Tiamat -> Hydra + SotD -> LW + IE.

Supports + their specific Combos:

Lulu E on Fiora -> Fiora Q + W + E -> = Lulu Q can't miss; Fiora tanks alot of damage with shield + riposte; Fiora spams Pix procs with her E's AS steroid.
Fiora Q -> Lulu R (+E if needed) = Great init.

Nami E on Fiora -> Fiora Q + AA + E -> Nami W = Fiora gets a slow after her gapcloser; Fiora gets a burst of damage from using Nami's E charges very quickly; Nami gets a guaranteed bounce on W.

Kings of the Freljord

Melee ADC:


Supports + their specific Combos:

Tryn W -> Trundle Q = The enemy ADC [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. Requires Tryn to max W first.
Trundle E -> Enemies turn back by reflex -> Tryn W = Enemies are massively slowed.
Trundle E -> Tryn R + E = Pillar can make Trynda's escape way easier after a dive.

Lulu E on Tryn -> Tryn W + E -> = Lulu Q is easier to land; Tryn tanks damage with shield and AD reduction.

Lane of the Dead

Melee ADC:

Masteries 15-15-0: reduced damage from autoattack harass & damage from champs, bit of tankiness.
Runes: Marks 9 AD - Seals 9 armor - Quints 2 MS 1 armor - Glyphs 9 MR.
Skill order: E -> W -> Q, then max R > E > W > Q.
Starting items: Cloth + 5 pots.
Goals: Tabi + Vamp Scepter + PD -> Hydra/Warmogs + Atma -> LW + IE.

Supports + their specific Combos:

Sion passive + Sion W + Thresh W = Alot of shielding, amplified by Sion's passive to ridiculous levels.
Sion Q -> Thresh Q -> Thresh E= "Chain" stun (heh).
Sion R + Thresh R = Enemies can stay and die, or try to leave and probably die too.


Melee ADC:

Master Yi

Supports + their specific Combos:

Lulu E on Yi -> Yi Q -> Lulu R on Yi -> Yi R = Yi is a fast, un-slowable aura of slow; Lulu gets very easy shots for Q.


Melee ADC:

Starting items: Cloth + 5 pots.
Goals: Swiftness/Tabi + Brutalizer -> Youmuu + Hydra/BoRK -> Zephyr/GA + Triforce/PD + LW.

Supports + their specific Combos:

Zilean R -> Aatrox passive ( +GA) = He must be killed 3 ( 4) times in a decisive fight.
Zilean E -> Aatrox E -> Aatrox Q = The targeted slow makes the skillshot slow and the following knockup easy to land.
Zilean Q on Aatrox -> Aatrox Q + E -> Aatrox R -> Zilean E on Aatrox = High mixed damage init, Aatrox can easily chase enemies.



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Join date : 2013-01-11


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[Combo] Melee Carry bot - All viable combos - W.I.P. Empty Re: [Combo] Melee Carry bot - All viable combos - W.I.P.

Post by a person Thu 13 Jun - 16:53

Dont forget Lee Singah :Dplayed this lane quite a few times in ranked games and we forced 4 of 4 Varus to leave the game because they raged before they went lvl 10. not lied!
the most other ad champs played until the end dunno whats wrong with varus players Wink
But well i got to say my Lee Sin mate was rly rly good and he carried himself to 2.2k elo with lee sin, he played him everywhere^^

a person

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Join date : 2013-01-16

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