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[Comp] Zoners

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[Comp] Zoners Empty [Comp] Zoners

Post by Dj0z Sat 15 Jun - 14:47

Based on the most efficient zoning abilities, the point of this comp is to push the enemy team out of fighting range entirely, as often as possible.
For this we need the effects that nobody want to stay on/nearby... not just Sunfire Cape level, i'm talking Anivia Glacial Storm level.


List for copy-paste: Anivia Amumu Cait Cassio Gragas Heimer Karma Karth Kog LB Lux Malph Malza Maokai MF Morgana Nasus Nunu Ori Rammus Rumble Shaco Singed Soraka Swain Teemo Trundle Urgot Varus Veigar Viktor Yorick Ziggs Zyra

Tier1 list: Anivia Cassio Rumble Swain Teemo Ziggs

Anivia (W, R) should immense manaregen
Amumu (W, E, R) should Rylai
Caitlyn (W) should 40%CDR
Cassiopeia (Q, W)
Gragas (Q)
Heimerdinger (Q, R) should solid manaregen
Karma (Q2, W)
Karthus (E)
Kog'Maw (E) should 40%CDR
Leblanc (E, E2)
Lux (E)
Malphite (E) should 40%CDR
Malzahar (W) should AP & Rylai
Maokai (E, R)
Miss Fortune (E, R) should AP
Morgana (W, R)
Nasus (W, R) should AP
Nunu (R)
Orianna (Q, W)
Rammus (R) should AP
Rumble (Q, R)
Shaco (R explosion) should AP
Singed (Q)
Soraka (Q when stacked) should AP
Swain (Q, W, R)
Teemo (R) should 40%CDR
Trundle (E) should 40%CDR
Urgot (E+Q)
Varus (E) should 40%CDR
Veigar (W, E) should 40%CDR
Viktor (W, E, R) should 40%CDR
Yorick (ghouls) should solid AD
Ziggs (Q, W, E)
Zyra (plants)

Recommended core champions: Anivia


Shard of True Ice: more persistent AoE slows; as a bonus, more mana regen for all.

Rylai's: even more AoE slows.

Runic Bulwark: if your team is less burstable and enemies can't dive it successfully to end the zoning, what can enemies do? (oh yeah splitpush)

Summoner Spells

Clarity (1 or 2): zoners happen to be mana-hungry Tear-loving ogres, so fill their huge manapools with this.

Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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