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Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%)

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Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%) Empty Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%)

Post by Liquoricefang Sat 26 Oct - 23:41


The current meta circles a lot around counter-picking, team-fight superiority and overall picking the most op champions at the moment. It is almost as if LoL-players have forgotten the basic winning-conditions of the game: Destroy the turrets, inhibitors and ultimately, the Nexus!

With this objective clear in mind I initiated the idea of the splitpush/movement speed comp:bounce 

How does one destroy turrets efficiently? By removing the enemy champions guarding them of course! One way of doing this is to focus pressure on one lane while also pushing the other two lanes. This can be done by keeping two champions in the top lane, one champion in the middle lane, one jungler, and one in the bottom lane. Here are some descriptions of each lanes original tasks:

Top lane

Two champions, preferably versatile champions with good mobility, a bit of  crowd control and decent attack-power. The objective here is to quickly deny (preferably kill) their lane-opponent in order to gain early access to the top turret. An early ambush or sustained poking should do the trick. Beware that the toplane will most likely attract the enemy jungler with this strategy and thus one should always stay on guard, wards are a smart investment but not mandatory.

Suggested that this early game have gone according to plan the top-lane will proceed with keeping turns on ganking and farming the top-lane. Remember to focus on getting the turrets down!

Middle Lane

One champion, preferably an assassin or heavy damage fighter with good ganking potential, will keep pressure on mid lane, distracting the enemy jungler and midlaner. This position have high risks of dying early due to the presence of the enemy jungler, hwoever this should be worth it for the toplane to erase the enemy turret in their own lane. Staying alive is of course the optimal scenario but remember that this comp is not about getting the most kills but instead to destroy the enemy turrets efficiently.

This role will probably be very similiar to the common meta-mid-laner except with the focus on aggressive play.

Bot Lane

The bottom lane will be slightly less aggressive than the other lanes, keeping up a fight with the lane opponents but staying at a safe distance. Preferable champions for this role are mobile, ranged and possess strong peel. Fighting alone against two enemy champions will give experience and gold advantage for this position if they keep their distance correctly. Smarter enemies might try to go aggressive on this lane and thus you will have to adapt to that. Do not hesitate to call for aid from your other lanes if things are looking bad.

The bottom lane will probably be the second lane to be pushed after the first top turret has been destroyed.


High mobility is key for this comps jungler. You want to be everywhere and destroy EVERYTHING.Twisted Evil Twisted Evil 
Make sure to check which lane have pushed the most so you may help taking the corresponding turret down. You may also just run into any empty lane while the enemy team is distracted elsewhere and go right for the next turret on your own. Besides movement speed you may want to invest in attack speed as well.

General info

The key to victory in this comp is to think outside the teamfight-box and instead focus on how to take down turrets and then swiftly get to the next objective. Therefore, movement speed will be priority for all champions. This is why highly mobile champions are best for this comp.

Examples of mobile champions: ( Green = Very viable, Yellow = Viable, Grey = Not tested

Twisted Fate
Shaco jocolor 
Lee Sin
Miss Fortune
Master Yi
Dr. Mundo

When picking summoner spells you ought to think mobility first. Teleport is probably mandatory to this comp, giving you extreme map control and opportunity for awesome plays!

Other useful spells are Ghost, Clairvoyance, Flash and Ignite. Ghost is great for escaping after heading too deep while pushing a turret or to catch up some pesky champion who just took down your teammate. Clairvoyance will warn you for incoming enemies and thus help you decide weather to push or retreat. Flash, goes without saying. Ignite is especially useful for toplane who wants to quickly dispose of their lane-opponent.

Thanks for reading and do not hesitate to add your thoughts!

Pictures of Victory

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Last edited by Liquoricefang on Sun 27 Oct - 13:23; edited 3 times in total


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Join date : 2013-10-26

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Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%) Empty Re: Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%)

Post by Dj0z Sun 27 Oct - 10:49

Good job Liquo!

I think the article covers most of the charasteristics of that thrilling comp.

Please add kitteh (Reng) to the list of champions though! In fact you might wanna scan the whole list and add whoever may fit in there, or make a list of just the very best.
While i'm at it, i wanna mention that Janna bot with CV+Flash was probably one of the best "supports" we could possibly have, due to her global %MS aura, strong disengages, and very convenient waveclear with AP-enhanced tornado, not to mention the ability to shield turrets!

Also the whole thing could use abit of color, maybe for titles. Oh and pictures! I have already uploaded the pics from that epic night of splitpush comp in that thread: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
You can just use their links to paste them in your article now Smile

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Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%) Empty Re: Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%)

Post by Bigteddynr2 Sun 27 Oct - 14:50

We fucking destroyed them yesterday the last game uff apart of me is still laughting Smile


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Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%) Empty Re: Split-push comp! ( under development, successrate so far: 100%)

Post by Dj0z Sun 27 Oct - 23:18

Nice improvements on the article

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