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A Idea for a total diferrent of playing

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A Idea for a total diferrent of playing Empty A Idea for a total diferrent of playing

Post by tekaichi Sat 12 Jan - 22:52

Currently and normally there are One Solo Bot/Top, One Jungler, One Mid and a Combination of an ADC champ and a support right?
Lets change this a little bit, to make it easier to gain exp and make a faster game. Jungle is surely needed so no thinking about removing the jungler role.
Lets imagine, the top with the support and the adc alone, so the top normally is the bruiser/off tank etc, the guy with more life and resists etc etc, with the support his chances of surviving extends, alot. But attention for this idea to work the player acting like an adc(Ranged Attack Damage User) need to know how to play in defense. Now the mid, let it be a less bruiser, a good champ for one on one. Now the team still need's an AP champion atleast to the enemy team not go full armor etc, you know the drill. Let the jungle be an ap, Fiddle, Diana, Fizz, etc.
This is a mainly new idea that Just came to me some hours ago, it isnt finished/100%functional or near it.
Just give your opinion pls.

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A Idea for a total diferrent of playing Empty Re: A Idea for a total diferrent of playing

Post by Dj0z Sun 13 Jan - 16:51

Basically you mean a solo ranged ADC, and a melee bruiser laning with a support?

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A Idea for a total diferrent of playing Empty Re: A Idea for a total diferrent of playing

Post by tekaichi Sun 13 Jan - 18:56

Briefly yes.

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A Idea for a total diferrent of playing Empty Re: A Idea for a total diferrent of playing

Post by shadeFTW Tue 15 Jan - 0:51

Well, as long as the adc is has some form of escape(tris,ez,corki,graves,cait) , I think it can work.


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A Idea for a total diferrent of playing Empty Re: A Idea for a total diferrent of playing

Post by Explomate Sat 19 Jan - 10:47

Why not throw out the adc and get another bruiser? Also change positions:

Mid: Bruiser+Support:(Ap/Ad Bruiser) great vision of both sides of the river thanks to support, support can roam and reach every lane very fast so its like we got 2 junglers, dragon control is the same and the bruiser will have free farm against the mid champ thanks to support.)

Bot: Bruiser: (Ap or Ad Bruiser) greater dragon control thanks to 2 bruiser+ Support near dragon. Also some bruiser can 2vs1 very easy and kill both of them with some help of the jungler/support)

Top: AP Carry from mid (some APCs that can 1vs1 against top champs like Elise, Vlad, Kennen, Mordekaiser,...)

I think the main advantage is the roaming support and the vision the support will give the team.

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