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Another idea of a new playstyle

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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by Explomate Sat 19 Jan - 14:18

I had this idea when i posted a reply to tekaichis idea for a total different of playing

Why not throw out the adc and get another bruiser? Also change positions:

Mid: Bruiser+Support:(Ap/Ad Bruiser) great vision of both sides of the river thanks to support, support can roam and reach every lane very fast so its like we got 2 junglers, dragon control is the same and the bruiser will have free farm against the mid champ thanks to support.)

Bruiser: (Ap or Ad Bruiser) greater dragon control thanks to 2 bruiser+ Support near dragon. Also some bruiser can 2vs1 very easy (like cho gath) and kill both of them with some help of the jungler/support)

Top: AP Carry from mid (some APCs that can 1vs1 against top champs like Elise, Vlad, Kennen, Mordekaiser,...)

I think the main advantage is the roaming support and the vision the support will give the team.

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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Re: Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by loszak Sat 19 Jan - 15:03

I love the idea! But there's one thing :d Bot bruiser will have no farm (because he's melee mostly) and Top APC can get stomped pretty easily because they are squishy (I mean Ahri, Brand etc.). I would switch Top and Bot lane. Let bruiser go Top or almost every AP carry will be crushed (e.g. Garen's Q -> E or even Jayce's Q really op harras can hurt). Solo APC on Bot should get some mana regen, so he can use abilities more often to def, heal or even harras or last hit.

But Top will be unchanged, so it means it's meta on Top :<


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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Re: Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by Explomate Sat 19 Jan - 15:51

I think its possible to use some APC like cho gath which can 2vs1 very well and kill the enemy bot lane with some help of the jungler/support. so top lane will be unchanged and cho or some hard pusher like malz go bot.
But you were right its important to choose somebody who can handle the top lane (Mordekaiser, Kennen, Vlad, Elise).

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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Re: Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by Dj0z Sat 19 Jan - 17:32

What kind of support would be best for this? Janna for the movespeed or something like Nami with a strong gank ulti?

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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Re: Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by Explomate Sat 19 Jan - 18:43

I would say Taric, Alistar, Nautilus, Leona, Sona, Lux, Fiddle, Nami, Blitzcrank. All supports with hard CC and/or burst damage.

They should have high gank potential, because they should roam all the time.
I think Ali and Taric are best because their ganks are yummy especially if they take boots of mobility (both can afford this due to their extreme tankiness and heal) which I get anyway most of the games I play with them.

Also they got a heal for their lane mates who will get harrassed a lot by the enemy since they are bruiser (I know someone like cho or panth can also harrass a lot back).

A team could look like this:

Mid: Pantheon/Kha Zix/Jarvan/Irelia/...

Bot: Cho Gath/Shen/Olaf/Elise/Gangplank/Gragas/any standard top laner

Top: Kennen/Mordekaiser/Vladimir/Elise/any standard top laner

Roaming Support: Taric/Alistar/Blitzcrank/Leona/Nautilus/...

Jungle: ONLY RUMBLE! Very Happy


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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Re: Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by loojam2nd Sun 20 Jan - 0:02

revive double jungle meta

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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Re: Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by loszak Sun 20 Jan - 0:42

Explomate wrote:I think its possible to use some APC like cho gath which can 2vs1 very well and kill the enemy bot lane with some help of the jungler/support. so top lane will be unchanged and cho or some hard pusher like malz go bot.
But you were right its important to choose somebody who can handle the top lane (Mordekaiser, Kennen, Vlad, Elise).

Cho can handle solo lane, but the problem here is cs. He won't be able to kill many minions :/ He's melee and he will get harrased/zoned really hard by ADC and a support :< Those are just my thoughts :>


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Another idea of a new playstyle Empty Re: Another idea of a new playstyle

Post by Explomate Sun 20 Jan - 11:01

Right that is a problem. It should be somebody who can farm 2vs1 very well and also harrass some damage back. The first champ that came to my mind was cho, but Jayce, Shen, Gragas and so on would doing well, too.

It is very difficult to 2vs1 but with some practice and the right playstyle it should be possible
I don`t know who is the best 2vs1 laner, but some experiments should show that.

The idea was that the roaming support and jungler help out that solo bot a lot by ganking, holding his lane, and so on. That should make it easier for him.


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