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elise build idea/suggestion

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elise build idea/suggestion Empty elise build idea/suggestion

Post by loojam2nd Sun 13 Jan - 16:48

hi metabreakers

I just bought elise yesterday and i gotta say I LOVE HER!
I played some Games and dominated my lane, may it be she is op or the opponent did not know how to play vs. her or i'm just to good.
Does not matter.

What I want to know is: What shall I build on her?
I usally start with flask, 4 red pots, 1 blue and a ward. On first trip back I get either boots + tome or ruby.
If I can afford it I rush sorc shoes over HG.
So my core build is Sorc shoes and HG.

After that I go for
- Abyssal if I dominate my lane and/or opponent is ap
- Sunfire cape if lane is even and vs ad
- Warmog if behind

so Warmogs is completly situational and I really only get it if I am really behind. But abyssal and Sunfire is mid game core imo.
Now I have 2 item slots left and I dont know what I should build.

This is where u guys have to help me.
Give me your opinions and ideas about it.

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Join date : 2013-01-11

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elise build idea/suggestion Empty Re: elise build idea/suggestion

Post by loszak Sun 13 Jan - 18:38

Why sunfire? If you want hp i think Rylai's will do, and if you want some armor get Hourglass. Elise is supposed to go in and kill as fast as she can. Sunfire is for tanky champions whou can stay a bit longer next to enemies. I would build mostly AP on Elise with tanky items (which still gives AP like Unholy Grail or Abyssal), but that's my opinion.

I just realized that all i wrote was according to the meta :< But i wrote so much so I won't delete it :>

What would you say about that:
Sorc shoes, WotA, Spirit Visage, Warmog's or Torment (Torment for damage and Wamorg's for sustain), Rylai,s, Rabadon's, It's Reginald's build (from TSM) on cassio. So tanky and so much damage :>


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Age : 29
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elise build idea/suggestion Empty Re: elise build idea/suggestion

Post by Dj0z Sun 13 Jan - 20:39

Actually in the recent qualifiers, elise was played tanky with sunfire and pretty much rocked

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elise build idea/suggestion Empty Re: elise build idea/suggestion

Post by loojam2nd Sun 13 Jan - 21:35

sunfire > rylais.
reason: with all the magic pen u have u deal about 40 dps aoe.
and elise scales bad with ap. Her skills have low ratios. This is why i would get dfg over rabadons

edit: Grail is an Item slot waste imo.

But this is just my opinion

Posts : 43
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Join date : 2013-01-11

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