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[Comp] Immortals! a.k.a. Die Hard

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[Comp] Immortals! a.k.a. Die Hard Empty [Comp] Immortals! a.k.a. Die Hard

Post by Dj0z Fri 11 Jan - 16:42

This comp is simply made of guys who refuse to die, or can keep fighting afterwards in some way. Great VS single-target burst on high cooldowns. Bad VS sustained damage with lots of CC on enemies with health sustain.

Champions with an "immortality"

List for copy-paste: Aatrox Anivia Karthus Kayle Kog Tryn Yorick Zac Zilean Zyra

Aatrox (passive)
Anivia (passive)
Karthus (passive)
Kayle (R)

Kog'maw (passive)
Tryndamere (R)
Yorick (R)
Zac (passive)
Zilean (R)

Zyra (passive)

Summoner Spells

All Revive!


All GA (Guardian Angel)!

**NB:** You're are NOT forced to rush the GA, actually it's even surely a bad idea on most champs. But get it for midgame.

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Join date : 2013-01-11


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[Comp] Immortals! a.k.a. Die Hard Empty Re: [Comp] Immortals! a.k.a. Die Hard

Post by Dj0z Wed 26 Jun - 18:00

One of the most vieweved videos of this very day, is this video of guys playing an Immortals comp dubbed "full revive boogaloo".

Probably because the link was shared by the one and only LoL facebook account 2 hours before the post you're currently reading was made.

Just wanted to point that in major Hipster mode, that we've been there done that and could have made a video like that a LOT earlier. Just sayin' Smile


Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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