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[Comp] Sight, aka Stalkers/BigBrother/MapHack

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[Comp] Sight, aka Stalkers/BigBrother/MapHack Empty [Comp] Sight, aka Stalkers/BigBrother/MapHack

Post by Dj0z Sat 2 Mar - 18:33

Sight comp abuses sight in every way possible. A big part is to easily shut down the enemy jungler, turning the game into a 5v4. Objective control and gank freedom are also better than usual.

Legit champions

Champs with strong sight abilities

Those are the core of your comp. Depending on how much sight they give, you should pick around 3 and 5 of your champs among them.

List for copy-paste: Ashe Anivia Cait Kog Lee Maokai Nida Quinn Rengar Shaco Teemo TF WW Zed Zyra

Ashe (E = hawkshot) : should 40%CDR.
Anivia (W = wall)
Caitlyn (W = traps)
Kog'Maw (R = artillery) should high manaregen
Lee Sin (Q = single-target reveal-invis until he dashes, E = Point-Blank-AoE reveal-invis)
Maokai (E = saplings)
Nidalee (hum-W = traps)
Quinn (W = self-centered CV)
Rengar (R = reveal enemy champs in range)
Shaco (W = boxes)
Teemo (R = mushrooms)
Twisted Fate (R = reveal all enemy champs) : should 40%CDR.
Warwick (E = reveal low HP champs)
Zed (W = shadow)
Zyra (W = seeds)

**NB:** Because sight is a utility effect, it naturally becomes more overwhelming with more CDR. That means all champions listed above should aim for some CDR to meet this team comp's expectations. However some champ have their sight ability on a too long cooldown, and for those i actually stressed that they should go for 40%CDR.

Champs with great synergy with a Sight Comp

Only listing those who canNot be in the first list, those are champs who get alot more power when they have alot of sight, but they don't give great sight themselves. For that reason don't take too many of them.

List for copy-paste: Akali Blitz Diana Eve Ez Fizz Janna Jayce Kassa KZ LB Lux M-Yi MF Noc Nunu Panth Rammus Renek Shen Syndra Talon Thresh Trist Trun Tryn Udyr Urgot Varus Veigar Vi Viktor Xe Zac Ziggs

Akali (R = targeted dash -> mobility)
Blitzcrank (Q = grab -> buffstealing and kills)
Diana (R = targeted dash -> mobility)
Evelynn (passive = invis -> ganks)
Ezreal (Q = on-hit-applying poke -> harass jungler; R = global nuke -> sniping)
Fizz (Q = targeted dash -> mobility; E = wall-hop -> mobility; R = long range skillshot nuke -> sniping)
Janna (Q = long range tornado -> sniping) should AP
Jayce (E+Q = plasma ball of death -> sniping)
Kassadin (R = flash -> mobility, assassination)
Kha'Zix (E = jump -> assassination)
Leblanc (full combo -> assassination)
Lux (R = immafirinmahlazor -> sniping)
Master Yi (Q = targeted gapcloser -> mobility)
Miss Fortune (combo E = AoE slow + R = AoE death -> assassination)
Nocturne (R = longest targeted gapcloser on enemy -> assassination)
Nunu (Q = smiteplus -> buffstealing)
Pantheon (full combo -> assassination)
Rammus (Q = speedrun -> map mobility; R = tower destroying spell -> splitpushing)
Renek (E = double-dash -> mobility)
Shen (R = global friendly gapcloser -> splitpushing)
Singed (Q = poison + R = speed steroid -> proxying, splitpushing)
Syndra (W = miniongrab -> buffstealing)
Talon (full combo -> assassination; E = targeted gapcloser, mobility)
Thresh (Q = grab-dash -> mobility)
Tristana (full combo+reset -> assassination) should AP
Trundle (W = speedboost -> counterjungling; E = pillar -> counterjungling)
Tryn (E = dash -> mobility)
Twitch (Q = stealth -> assassination; R = bonus range -> sniping)
Udyr (whole kit -> counterjungling)
Urgot (E = lock-on + Q = targeted nuke -> sniping; R = targeted position swapper -> assassination)
Varus (Q = pass-through long-range poke -> sniping)
Veigar (W = nuke + E = stun -> counterjungling)
Vi (Q = dash -> mobility; R = targeted knockup -> assassination)
Viktor (E = nuke -> sniping)
Xerath (full W-combo -> assassination)
Zac (E = long range dash -> mobility)
Ziggs (Q, W, E, R ; all skillshot nukes -> sniping)

Summoner Spells

CV: You need at least 2 of these (you could get 5 if you know what you're doing), with the mastery that stalks revealed champions.
Here are 6 examples of good places to use CV.


Add to these:
-The "Anti-juke CV" = on a bush that your fleeing enemy is about to enter, especially if he's Garen/Xin/Jarv etc.
-The "Repel CV" = on an enemy jungler coming to gank you. You put it right in his face, letting him know you've seen him, which will usually make him go back and try to come back slightly later.
-The "Jungle Terrorist CV" = CV the enemy jungler directly, while he's taking Red of Blue. It will not terrorize him. Then you will do that again and again except at some point you'll have an opportunity to followup with brutal counterjungling, and you'll do just that. Repeat a couple times, and soon enough every time you CV the enemy jungler, he will run away in fear even if you're not there.

Teleport: Notice opportunity far away. Cast Tele on ward. Make play. Be a winner.

Ghost: Some champs will prefer this so they can chase people who would otherwise run away. Best if you already have a wall-hopping abbility.

Flash: If you didnt have a wall-hopping ability, now you do.


Offense tree
(1) -The Ghost mastery if you took Ghost.

Defense tree
(whatever you need, if you're a tank or something.)

Utility Tree
(1) -"Summoner's Insight" : The CV/Flash/Teleport mastery in Utility is like, mandatory.
(1-4) -"Wanderer" : The out-of-combat movespeed mastery can be useful for stalking, but it's pretty weak.
(5) -"Scout" : The bonus ward sight range during the first 5 seconds could be useful if you're gonna ward alot.
(5-7) -"Mastermind" : The summoner-spell-CDR gives you more CVs (54s instead of 60s CD), more Teleports (the cooldown when you cancel it is also reduced), more Flashes, more Ghosts.
(5-6) -"Artificer" : The item-active-CDR could be useful if you're 100% sure to buy Wriggle's, Twin Shadows, or alot of item actives.
(13) -"Explorer" : The free ward, very useful in this context, simply get it if you were going that far up in the utility tree anyways.
(21) -"Nimble" : The 3%MS mastery is 2 free MS quints. 'Nuff said.

**NB:** Of course if you have trouble csing or surviving jungle or whatever by going in the utility tree, by all means stick to your regular masteries. The masteries proposed here are just nice extras, they're in no way critical for the comp.


Eleisa's Miracle:
The most broken item in this context. Upgrades your HPregen and MPregen at no slot cost, and gives 25% CV CDR (32.5% by stacking multiplicatively with the mastery, total 41s CD), giving the shortest-CD summoner spell even more uptime.
It even builds out of Philo. Just remember you have to upgrade Philo before level 16! I recommend level 9-10 if you're doing well: slots can become scarce soon afterwards.

Sightstone (and upgrade):
Nearly as broken, this one gives you flat HP and up to 3 wards at once, but like most other items, at the cost of a slot.

Wriggle's lantern:
A 90 second ward on a camp-clearing item.

Twin Shadows: If it wasn't for the awfully long cooldown, this item would be beast. Sort of gives sight (until the slow hits) and slows for chases/escapes.

Boot enchant Distorsion: With the mastery, reduces the cooldown of Teleport to 203s (122s if cancelled). that's 1 play every 3:22 minutes (instead of every 5 minutes with no summoner-spell-CDR). Not bad.


Level 1

Tested or theoretical tricks you can pull off to make the most out of this comp. Remember that you're investing alot on sight by playing this comp, so you better make use of it, else you're giving a free advantage to the enemy team, who overall invested more in raw stats than your team.
The good news is that if you do pull off the comp properly, the enemy's onyl chance to win becomes to straight-up outplay you with amazing dodges, flawless skillshots and perfect timing, because you simply always have the initiative, which is decisive in a game where you can die in 1.5 seconds easily.

1) Always start with a "Spawn CV", as described earlier.

2) Assuming you're facing standard meta, the enemy will have a jungler, and it will be obvious that he starts either at red or at blue. Get there quickly with a ward dedicated to that on one member of your team. From that point there's multiple possible cases:

-You are able to ward the area before enemies get there, they suspect nothing but they're there to def him, and you have a clear shot on their jungler.
=> Take that chance to nuke him down with skillshots right after he took blue/red. If he dies, perfect. If he doesn't, you still have crippled his first clear since he's gonna run out of pots faster, and probably won't be able to gank. If you feel like taking risks, just go all-in on him.

-On your way to warding, you met enemies, and couldn't ward. Enemies are now cautious and probably called for help.
=> Start using CV to see enemies without them being able to see you, and grab/nuke'em down. They will typically realize that they can't win this poke war since they can't see shit, so they just back away and leave you with free buff. Take it, but also CV-check whether the enemy jungler mirror-invades your own buff, and if he does, go kill him since you can see him. He might just back away by him self when he realizes he's been CV'ed.

-Same as above, xcept enemies have warded the way you're coming from, so they have sight on you.
=> Try to go around that area, CV'ing the buff zone so you can land a few skillshots over walls on enemies. Wards don't see over walls.

-The enemy has Blitzcrank.
=> Abort mission.

-You have Blitzcrank.
=> Do not poke enemies with skillshots before trying a Blitz grab. Once you did, the enemy knows you're there, and the trench wars may start. Coordinate with Blitz to CV any areas where he could land a grab, but only when grab is off cooldown. For reference, at lvl 1 it's a 20s base CD.


1) Bot lane, there are many opportunities to CV a bush to force an enemy support out by poking him or revealing him to minions (who will aggro him). You can fake apparoaching to facecheck the bush, then CV at the last second and CC him or walk away, leaving him semi-confused, and allowing your ADC to right-click him.

2) You can coordinate with your whole team if you're very organized, to keep permanent track of whatever the enemy jungler is doing. This gets more true the more CVs and Miracles you have.
Suggested ways to achieve coordination:
-Taking turns casting the CVs at the supposed position of the target;
-Dedicate CV users to areas like "top laner CV's north half of purple jung, mid laner CV's south half, support CV's our own incase we suspect he's there". If the dedicated user's CV is on cooldown , he says it and someone else can does it for this time only.
If you do manage to keep track, he can't ever perform a successful gank, and any of you can go counterjungle him when you see that he's at his low HP and/or mana point, or when he has doublebuff if you can ensure the kill.

3) You can reveal "ss" aka missing enemies. It's usually very easy to figure out which way they went shortly after they left the lane, but after that they could go weird ways to perform their gank, so CV them right after they left lane since you're sure you'll get them.
That will either discourage them from performing the gank at all (if onyl for 5-10s sometimes) if they noticed they got revealed, or it gives your team a headstart to countergank him or escape the gank.

4) Dragon control. Sometimes you just can't get in range to ward quickly enough. In that case CV it, and even if it's too late to stop the attempt, you know the area is probbably pinked and that your support shouldn't be going there alone to ward anytime soon.


1) Targeted gapcloser counterjungling works just like Diana's Q+R combo: by getting sight of a jungle camp, you can use your targeted gapclosers to cross walls by targeting the camp. Note that this cannot be used to get out clown unless of course an enemy champion or whatever is beyond the wall at that moment.
**Did you know? Diana's Q does not reveal invis enemies**

2) You can splitpush A LOT safer when you know exactly where enemies are and how fast they're coming to you. Splitpushing bot or top? When enemies go ss, CV the jung between you and mid lane, and you know where they are. Now just take another route to get away, or recall if they're slow enough.


Old-school Sight Comp
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Updated sight comp where we completely ruined Lee's day:
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This one lacked a second CV, but we made up for it through sheer playz.
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Last edited by Dj0z on Tue 18 Jun - 23:19; edited 8 times in total

Posts : 180
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Join date : 2013-01-11


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[Comp] Sight, aka Stalkers/BigBrother/MapHack Empty Re: [Comp] Sight, aka Stalkers/BigBrother/MapHack

Post by Dj0z Mon 17 Jun - 19:15

Forgot to mention: massively updated

Posts : 180
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2013-01-11


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