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[Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday"

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[Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday" Empty [Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday"

Post by Dj0z Tue 26 Mar - 21:36


Pretty straightforward: buff and protect a hypercarry to hell and back, letting him wreck havoc freely among the enemy team!
The difference with a "Protect the X" comp is that you also try to buff his offensive stats as much as possible.


Supermen (aka Hypercarries):
Ashe (tested)
Aatrox (tested)
Draven (tested)
Fiora (tested)
Jax (tested)
Kog'Maw (tested)
Master Yi
Mordekaiser (tested)
Vayne (tested)

Sidekicks (aka Babysitters):
Anyone with some kind of heal, shield, ally buff or strong peel. Most notably the following:
Alistar: one of the best peelers there is.
Karma: Heal; Shield; Speedbuff.
Kayle: Slow; Heal + speedbuff; R (part 1 of the god mode combo).
Janna: passive %MS; Shield that gives AD; disengage x2; Heal.
Lulu: AoE Slow; Speedbuff that gives AP; Shield; R.
Morgana: Peel x2; Black Shield (part 2 of god mode combo).
Nami: Speed buff on every spell; AoE peel x2; Heal; Mallet buff.
Nunu: one of the best autoattack buffs there is; good peels.
Shen: Taunt; Shield from anywhere on the map.
Sona: AD & AP buff; Heal + resists; MS buff; AoE peel.
Soraka: MR aura; MR reduction; Heal + armor; Mana battery; Heal from anywhere on the map.
Taric: targeted stun, armor reduction, armor aura, AD+AP AoE enchant on R.
Thresh: Grab to offer kills; Lantern shield and dash; AoE peel x2.
Zilean: huge MS buff; GA ulti.


Heal x1 (or x2 for long pushes)
Exhaust x1 or x2
CV x1 recommended for extra safety
Superman should have Flash + Ignite/Barrier/Cleanse/Ghost


Aegis -> Bulwark: whoever gets this should get it early.
Zeke's Herald: if your Superman is AD
WotA: if your Superman is AP

Abyssal Scepter: debuff enemies for your AP superman.
Black Cleaver: ... or their armor if he's AD. Don't buy more damage items alongside it though, you would become too much of a killer and not enough of a protector.
Locket of the Iron Solari: Spam these! At least 3 of them. Don't let your Superman get bursted!
Mikael's Crucible: Don't let him get CC'ed either.
Shurelya's Reverie: So useful i don't know where to start. You can spam these too. Will give the Superman many kills on fleeing enemies, or save his ass that many times aswell.
Frozen Heart: Enemies shall not autoattack your Superman with full force.
Randuin's Omen: They shouldn't approach him at full speed either.
Twin Shadows: Slow the enemies to offer kills to your Superman!
Shard of True Ice: Same as above, +better for peeling at melee range. Also gives mana regen.
Ward items: You don't want your superhero to facecheck Garen.

Guardian Angel: the only defensive item your team's Superman should have. But he bloody should have it.

In any case, try to max your CDR!


Superman should go bot or top with a defensive support. He doesn't need to try to get fed, he will get fed in teamfights anyways. He just needs to be able to farm safely into midgame.

Junglers and mids should babysit bot lane like their newborn baby. Let the kills to the Superman when someone clearly has no way to escape.

In teamfights, use all buffs on the Superman and shields too whenever he's gonna take any damage, or is diving/dived. CC any enemies looking even remotely agressive towards him.
Do not use your cooldowns to protect other allies unless they're about to die and the Superman isn't fighting nearby. If the enemy focuses anyone but the Superman, they're gonna get killed by him anyways.

If Superman somehow dies in a fight with GA not up, immediately back away unless there is something extremely useful to do in a very short time, like finishing a turret. You need to be ready when the Superman respawns, you don't want to have to go shop or refill mana at that moment.


Starring Gladiator Draven for all glory!
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Protect the AP Kog version!
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It even works on melee!
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Enter Aatrox!
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Last edited by Dj0z on Sat 15 Jun - 13:36; edited 6 times in total

Posts : 180
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Join date : 2013-01-11


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[Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday" Empty Re: [Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday"

Post by maretan Wed 27 Mar - 1:45

pretty much fun to do and it feels so nice when you are able to actually safe the carry. really fun to see 5 man dives on your carry and still stop them


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[Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday" Empty Re: [Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday"

Post by Dj0z Wed 27 Mar - 11:09

Indeed Very Happy i didn't think it would be so efficient before seeing it happen.

Posts : 180
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[Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday" Empty Re: [Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday"

Post by chRiskRm Thu 4 Apr - 21:07

Moar screenshots Very Happy

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[Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday" Empty Re: [Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday"

Post by Dj0z Sat 15 Jun - 13:36

Added Aatrox to the list, with a result screenshot Smile

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Join date : 2013-01-11


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[Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday" Empty Re: [Comp] Superman! a.k.a. "Today is my birthday"

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